Monday, June 11, 2012

Messaging the Message

Merriam Webster defines message as: a communication in writing, in speech, or by signals. 2. : a messenger's mission. 3. : an underlying theme or idea.

David Asman writes in "Getting Republicans on Message" at that Republicans "..can't get much traction.  We think its the message." Business leaders and politicians are concerned with remaining or staying "on message."  This usage seems to be a new way to express the importance of maintaining a theme throughout a lengthy or complex communication.

We have text messages, email messages, mixed media messages, and of course, the almost quaint voice message (although most people now refer to these as voice "mail" which is a contradiction in terms).

UPDATE: 6-11-2012:  Expect the messaging to continue in earnest during the Presidential election campaign.  Use of the term "message" in this way reminds Cicero of these words: theme, point, subject, focus, mission, and idea.  This usage also has the added attribute of leaving out the article "the," which Livia has addressed with aplomb.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sufficient Unto the Day

In re: today's Boston Globe, in an article on the reprehensible behavior of some members of the priesthood in Boston, wherein the Globe was congratulating itself on breaking the story "more than 10 years ago to the day." Now really. This silliness must stop at once. How obvious must Livia make her disapproval of such lazy writing (and lazier editing)? It is unthinkable that the editor, if not the reporter, does not know that the event occurred either exactly 10 years ago--to the day--or not. It can't be both.

And while we're on the subject, loveys, how many times must Livia tell you about "anniversary"? In that same article, we find "ten-year anniversary" more than once! Anniversary includes "year"! It's all-inclusive, like Club Med! No need to repeat "year"! Stop it!